Our services

Behavior Intervention Services

Behavior Intervention Services refer to a specialized form of healthcare that integrates mental health and behavioral assessments, targeted interventions, and support. These services are designed to address a broad spectrum of psychological, emotional, and behavioral issues that may impact an individual's well-being. Both Clinical Consultants and Behavioral Consultants, who are part of interdisciplinary teams, work collaboratively with Treatment Team Members and Parents/ Guardians to provide comprehensive support.

All Behavior Intervention Services include:

  1. Assessment: A thorough evaluation is conducted to understand the specific behaviors, their triggers, and the context in which they occur. This assessment helps in identifying the underlying causes and potential interventions.

  2. Goal-Setting: Clear, measurable goals are established based on the individual's needs and desired behavioral changes. These goals serve as benchmarks for progress.

  3. Behavior Modification Techniques: Evidence-based strategies are employed to target and modify problematic behaviors. These may include positive reinforcement for desired behaviors, teaching alternative coping mechanisms, and implementing consequences for challenging behaviors.

  4. Skill Building: Individuals are taught new skills and coping strategies to replace undesirable behaviors with more adaptive ones.

  5. Environmental Modifications: Adjustments may be made to the individual's environment to support positive behavior change and reduce triggers for challenging behaviors.

  6. Data Collection and Analysis: Progress is monitored through ongoing data collection, allowing for evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions and necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

  7. Collaboration: Behavior Consultation often involves collaboration with other professionals, caregivers, and family members to ensure consistency in the implementation of strategies across different settings.

North Carolina Behavior Intervention Services

Specialized Consultation Services

Specialized Consultation Services encompass the provision of expert advice and support by professionals possessing specialized knowledge, skills, and extensive experience within a particular field or domain. These services are sought after to address specific, often intricate, issues or tasks that demand a high level of expertise to ensure effective solutions.

Key Features of Specialized Consultation Services:

  1. Expertise and Knowledge: Our professionals bring in-depth expertise and knowledge to address complex issues within their respective domains, providing valuable insights and solutions.

  2. Tailored Support: Services are customized to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring that the advice and support provided align precisely with the challenges at hand.

  3. Documentation for Accountability: The provider agency is committed to maintaining transparency and accountability. As part of this commitment, the Intervention Plan (as applicable) and service notes are documented and signed by the individual providing the service.

Our goal is to offer specialized consultative services that not only meet but exceed expectations, providing clients with the expert support needed to navigate complex challenges successfully. Through meticulous documentation, we ensure transparency and accountability in every step of the process.

Eligible Participants at CRCC:

  • Individuals 16 years and older diagnosed with a Intellectual or Developmental Disability (I/DD).

  • Individuals 16 years and older diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Research Based Behavioral Health Intervention (RB-BHT) Services

Our Research-Based Behavioral Health Treatments (RB-BHT) services are grounded in extensive research, offering evidence-based behavioral interventions that aim to prevent or mitigate the challenges associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The primary objective is to foster the adaptive functioning of beneficiaries, maximizing their potential and well-being.

RB-BHT is specifically designed to address the unique needs of individuals with ASD, providing interventions that have demonstrated clinical efficacy in treating the disorder. These services go beyond merely preventing or minimizing the adverse effects of ASD; they actively work towards promoting the optimal functioning of each beneficiary.

Key Highlights of RB-BHT:

  1. Research-Backed Interventions: Our treatments are informed by rigorous research, ensuring that they are evidence-based and proven effective in the context of ASD.

  2. Prevention and Mitigation: RB-BHT focuses on both preventing the development of adverse effects associated with ASD and minimizing existing challenges.

  3. Promoting Adaptive Functioning: The core objective is to enhance the adaptive functioning of beneficiaries, enabling them to navigate daily life with greater independence and confidence.

At CRCC we are committed to delivering interventions that make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals with ASD. We strive to promote positive outcomes and empower beneficiaries to achieve their highest potential.

Eligible Participants at CRCC:

  • Individuals 0 up to their 21st birthday who have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Community Living and Supports

Community Living and Supports (CLS) is a tailored service, available both individually and in group settings, designed to assist beneficiaries in thriving within their own homes or those of their families or natural supports. It is geared towards fostering active participation in community life. Our paraprofessionals play a vital role in this process, providing guidance and assistance as beneficiaries learn new skills and engage in activities that resonate with their personal preferences.

The core objective of CLS is to either enhance or maintain the life skills of beneficiaries, or to offer the supervision necessary to empower them to live either in their family homes, natural supports, or their own private residences. Our ultimate aim is to boost self-sufficiency, augment self-determination, and broaden the opportunities for beneficiaries to be fully integrated and active members of their communities.

At the heart of Community Living and Supports is the focus on skill development. This includes learning new abilities, honing existing skills, and providing the tools and support needed for beneficiaries to lead more independent and engaged lives within their communities. Through CLS, we commit to unlocking potential and enhancing quality of life, one individual at a time.

Eligible Participants at CRCC:

  • Individuals 16 years and older diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

  • Individuals 16 years and older diagnosed with a Intellectual or Developmental Disability (I/DD).

Georgia Behavior Health Consultant Services… Coming Soon